
An update about Membership Renewals

An update about Membership Renewals

Now that we have agreed that our membership subscription shall continue at 15 Euros for 2025 we are now preparing the processes for members to renew their membership.

Members on Automatic Annual Renewal

Today, Thursday 16 January we have written to all of our members who subscribed last year for automatic renewals. As usual, and in accordance with our GDPR (Data Protection Policy) we have summarised the important information that we hold so that it can be checked. If all of that is in order and not changes are required at all, members with automatic annual renewal do not need to do anything more. On 31 January their account will be debited with their agreed membership subscription fee, whether €15 for a sole membership, or €30 for a joint membership.

Members on Standard Membership Renewal

If you have not already chosen Automatic Annual renewal we will write to you summarising your important information to be checked for GDPR compliance. If all of that is in order you can choose to renew with or without automatic annual renewal. Your account will be debited on the day that you make the payment to us using our secure online payments system STRIPE.

If you find that any of your information is incorrect you can click on the orange button and update your details before going on to pay, whether on a one time only basis or an automatic annual basis.

Members on Romeria 2023 Offer

Those members that joined us on our Romeria Offer in 2023 will make their membership payment this month. You will be included in the Standard Membership Renewal group mentioned above,

Members on Romeria 2024 Offer

Those members that joined us on our Romeria 2024 have nothing to pay until January 31 2026 so will not be included in the renewal invitations this time around. Of course if any information needs updating just let us know by email.

Cancelling Membership

Of course we don’t want to lose anyone but sometimes it is unavoidable. We have updated our membership cancellation page on our website and you can access it anytime from our menu on the top of the page. There is a very short form to complete and submit and we will take care of the rest.

As always, we appreciate your help in renewing your memberships fairly promptly as it helps us focus on the more fun stuff earlier in our Spring Season programme.

It is so easy now to renew online, wherever you are in the world.

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