
ICS Foundation Membership – Lilianne Gorissen and Margaret Lingwood

ICS Foundation Membership – Lilianne Gorissen and Margaret Lingwood

Today at our Annual General Meeting I proposed that we recognise two of our members with the honorary status of ICS Foundation Membership.

Lilianne Gorissen and Margaret Lingwood both appear in this, the earliest photograph we have of the members of the International Club in it’s earliest days, estimated to be 1997, certainly before the turn of the century!

We already acknowledge the gratitude we have for the very earliest of our members and founders by continuing their membership without subscription.

Today I asked our assembled members to include Lilianne and Margaret given not only their long and continued membership and support, but their contribution at the very earliest times of the club which has seen so much growth and development since then.

It was unanimously agreed and I am so happy that we can acknowledge, recognise and reward Lilianne and Margaret’s contribution over the many years since the club was in it’s infancy.

Congratulations Lilianne and Margaret on a very well deserved recognition from your committee and fellow members of the International Club.

You might be interested to see a copy of a letter sent out by the Chair of the club following the AGM of Wednesday 26 January 2000 when Founding Member Maria Elena Targa received her Life Membership, twenty five years ago!

It is great to see something grow around a simple idea of people getting together!

Mark Clifton

Chair/Presidente ICS