
The Constitution


The constitution of the International Club of Salobreña (herein after referred to as The Club) is according to the Organic Law 1/2002 of March 22nd 2002.

The Club is domiciled in Hotel Salobreña, Carretera 340. 18680, Salobreña, Granada and the territorial area of The Club is the Costa Tropical of Granada and adjoining areas. The signatories to this document have agreed the constitution of a non-commercial, non-political cultural association and to the following articles.

Article 1: Aims and activities

  1. To foster friendships between its members.
  2. To promote member’s knowledge and understanding of the culture, history and society of the communities of its local area.
  3. To be a link between its members and the local community.
  4. The Club will set up social gatherings for members and for the international community, sometimes with special interest talks, will arrange visits to places of special interest, and encourage any activity consistent with the aims of The Club and of its members.

Article 2. Membership

  1. All residents of the areas, as above, are welcome to join and will become members upon payment of the annual subscription and provision of an address for communications and a copy of identity documents.
  2. Members have no liability for commitments made by The Club and no entitlement to any assets or property of The Club.
  3. All members can vote at the General Assembly and are eligible to serve on the committee if elected and are encouraged to actively assist in the development and activities of The Club.
  4. Membership will lapse if the annual subscription is not paid. 
  5. Membership can be suspended or ended if The Club’s name or reputation is jeopardised by a member or if a member contradicts or damages the aims of The Club, subject to appeal.
  6. Membership can be suspended or ended if a member verbally or physically abuses any other member, subject to appeal.

Article 3. Governance

  1. The General Assembly is the supreme body of The Club. All members in good standing are eligible to attend, to speak and to vote, in person or by proxy. It’s decisions are binding for all members irrespective. The Chair will preside, and members will get at least fifteen days’ notice of the meeting.
  2. The General Assembly will meet at least once a year, usually in early January, and will:
    1. Elect the committee members for a period of one year from the date of the meeting.
    1. Approve the Annual Report, the General Accounts and the annual subscription fee.
    1. Examine and approve any publications published/produced by the club
    1. Receive any donations and legacies
    1. Revise the Statutes if appropriate.
  • An extraordinary General Assembly shall be convened if requested by 25% or more of the membership.
  • Resolutions of the Assembly require a simple majority vote except for changes in the Statutes or Dissolution of The Club, which require a two thirds majority of those present or represented by proxy.
  • The Board of Assembly (normally called the Committee) is elected annually at the General Assembly and consists of nine members with six formal roles and three Vocales.
  • They are responsible for directing the affairs of The Club within the law and the aims of The Club and in the interests of its members. Decisions are taken by agreement and by majority vote when necessary, with five people minimum as a quorum.
  • Where there is an equally split vote the Chair or their representative will hold the deciding vote.
  • The Chairperson presides over formal meetings and represents The Club in any legal/official capacity.
  • The Vice-Chairperson supports and represents the chair if and when required and maintains The Club directory of members electronically.
  • The Secretary prepares agendas, takes and issues minutes of Committee meetings and General Assembly, recording these in the official Book of Minutes. The secretary also acts in support of the Chair as a main communication link with the membership.
  • The Vice-Secretary supports and represents the Secretary when required and acts as the main communication link with the public, administering the club’s webpage and Face book page.
  • The Treasurer accounts for all income and expenditure, is a co-signatory on bank transactions and cheques providing financial reports monthly to the Committee and annually to the General Assembly. 
  • The Vice-Treasurer supports and represents the Treasurer when required.
  • The Treasurer and Vice-Treasurer jointly perform the duties of Membership Secretary, receiving membership fees, issuing receipts, remitting fees, and registering membership details electronically.
  • The Vocales organise club activities.
  • Members not wishing divulgence of their details are listed privately.
  • Committee members give their services without remuneration.

Article 4. Dissolution

  1. Dissolution can only occur 1) by judicial resolution and 2) by agreement of 2/3 of voters present in a General Assembly.
  2. The Committee will act as the Liquidation Commission, paying any debts. Any remaining funds may be donated to local charities and/or cultural institutions









 April 2019