ICS Quiz Page

One of our most cherished ICS activities is our fantastic quizzes which are carefully researched and compiled by our very own Giles Killick Committee Vocale.

The winners of the last quiz held on

Wednesday 26 February were…

The list of winners and runners-up is not as was displayed on the blackboard at the end of the Quiz on 26 February. The reason for this change is that an error was made in the tabulation of results. During that process, we forgot to apply a rule that has been in force since the start of the Quiz, that refers to table size. The rule, which is still in force, states that the total score achieved by a table of players shall be divided by the total number of players who were at that table, but that the minimum number will always be four (4) even if there are fewer than four players actually at that table. As a result of our failure to apply this long-standing rule, the winning team was announced as “Norfolk and Chance” who achieved a total score of 66 points, but a “net” score of 22, as a result of dividing their total score by 3 (the actual number of players at their table). Norfolk and Chance were presented with the prize, which they can keep – the error was ours, not theirs – but the real winners – “3+1” will also be awarded a similar prize. My apologies to both teams. The list of all participating teams and their scores appears below. We will be more careful in future.

1st Place: “3 + 1” – Ruth, Sandra, Terry, Muriel

Total Score – 80 Net Score – 20

Who will receive their winning prize of :

A selection of quality wines

Runners-up were:

2nd: “United Nations” – Deb, Renate, Martin, Wolf

Total Score – 78 Net Score – 19.5

3rd: “Just Us” – Lesley, Sue, Teresa, David

Total Score – 76 Net Score – 19

Other scores were:

4th: “The Drains Bust” – 72/16.5 – Cheryl, Brenda, Martin, Peter

5th: “Norfolk & Chance” – 66/16.5 – Meilyr, Richard, Robert

Equal 6th: (no team name) – 54/13.5 – Sinikka, Victoria, Espen, Matthias

Equal 6th: “The Has Beens” – 54/13.5 – Alison, Nancye, Mike, Peter

8th: “Beginners” – 46/11.5 – Pam, Rosemary, Kelvin, Tony

9th: “Misfits” – 50/12.5 – John, Brian, Rita

The next quiz will be held on Wednesday 25 March 2020 at 11:15 at Hotel Salobrena Suites.


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