ICS Ukulele Strumblies Gigging Fund

Donation to ICS Ukulele Strumblies Sound Equipment Fund Raiser

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The ICS Ukulele Strumblies is the Ukulele group of the International Club of  Salobreña. Formed in 2020 as one of the Mini Clubs of the International Club it has seen continuous success.

It routinely sees 16 or more International Club members playing on a weekly basis throughout the year and has recently undertaken events in Salobreña.

Although an acoustic group when called upon to play in an outdoor venue, it is inevitable that the sound from our instruments is lost and only a part of our audience at the very closest to us can hear us.

Like all the Mini Clubs of the International Club, the ICS Ukulele Strumblies are self-funding. When we started the first instruments purchased to use to promote and encourage new members to join were bought by the hosts of the Mini Club. These continued to be used and enjoyed by new members still. Of course, after a few weeks they purchase their own instrument if they continue in the group.

But, following our recent invitation from the Salobreña Chamber of Commerce to play at the Christmas Street Fair it is now clear that for us to join in live events in outdoor or large venues we need some amplification!

The issue here is one of funding! Even modest equipment suitable for a 16 – 18 piece group to play successfully at events, is challenging to afford by the group members themselves. It requires microphones, amplifier, speakers and other accessories. For example, a set of 8 microphones to be shared by players costs roughly 600 Euros. A suitable amplified speaker, around another 600 Euros! Then there are microphone stands, 180 Euros, cables, rechargeable batteries, storage bags or cases, etc.

We have seen over the last three years how the ukulele group is a fantastic advertisement for the International Club. It is a visible and audible presence in the town and continues to raise our profile. Encouraging new members to join the club, to continue their membership and to get involved in local events that help local businesses and good causes.

So, we are reaching out for support from our wider club membership, and beyond, if possible, to help finance the next stage in our development. To enable us to take the leap into more professional presentation at events with the equipment needed. The International Club has a long and distinguished history of generous support for others and it seems appropriate to ask for help with this project too.

We would like to make it clear that whilst our instruments are our own. Any equipment purchased for the benefit of the ukulele group would be held as property of the International Club itself and just like all of our other equipment, be recorded in our Asset Register and remain at the benefit and disposal of the International Club.

Can you help? Would you like to support us and help finance the equipment needed?

Our goal is to reach 1,500 Euros would would be sufficient to enable us to play at events and venues that we just can’t really present ourselves at right now!

We have almost 250 members and a donation of 6 Euros each would see us hit the target overnight!

If you would like to get on board with our campaign here is a link. You will see it has a recommended donation of 6 Euros, but that is just a suggestion! It can be as much or as little as you would like! Just put in the amount yourself! In any case, we thank you so much for your continued support.


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